Close-up of a diverse team of professionals reviewing a nursing research paper, with one person pointing to a section of the nursing research paper.

How to Write A Nursing Research Paper

A nursing research paper is a thesis-driven academic document focused on a specific nursing topic. This topic can be chosen by the student or assigned from a class. The primary goal is to provide evidence that supports the chosen topic, utilizing systematic research, applying nursing theories, and drawing well-founded conclusions.


Nursing research papers are not limited to nursing students; nurses engaged in clinical practice, nursing education, evaluation, or nursing methodology can also write them. These papers follow a structured approach to explore given facts, apply relevant theories, and present conclusions based on research.


In terms of length, nursing research papers typically start at 5 pages but can extend further, depending on the complexity and depth of the topic.


Nursing research papers are vital for promoting evidence-based practice, advancing the nursing field, and improving patient care. However, writing a nursing research paper can be daunting, especially for those new to academic writing. This article provides a detailed, step-by-step guide to help you navigate the writing process successfully. Additionally, we will highlight important factors unique to nursing research papers that can elevate the quality and impact of your work.


  1. Selecting a Relevant and Manageable Topic


Choosing the right topic is essential for a successful nursing research paper. Focus on areas of nursing practice or healthcare that interest you and align with current trends or gaps in knowledge. Consider the scope and feasibility of the topic to ensure it is manageable within the given timeframe and resources. Engage with current literature to identify areas that require further exploration or offer opportunities for innovative research.


  1. Conducting a Literature Review


Before beginning your research, conduct a comprehensive literature review to understand the existing body of knowledge on your topic. This step helps you identify gaps, refine your research question, and build upon existing evidence. Use databases, scholarly journals, and reputable sources to gather relevant literature. Analyze and critically evaluate the studies, identifying strengths, weaknesses, and potential research opportunities.


This section critically explores existing scholarly literature related to your topic and thesis statement. It should demonstrate excellent research, organization, and writing skills. For example, if writing about obesity management, you might discuss the Theory of Planned Behavior and its use in formulating obesity interventions. Include:

  • Relevant nursing theories
  • Theoretical frameworks
  • Scientific theories and concepts


  1. Developing a Clear Research Question and Objectives


Developing a well-defined research question and objectives is crucial for conducting purposeful and significant research. Your research question should specifically address a particular problem or knowledge gap and guide your study. Create objectives that are Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-bound (SMART). This clarity helps maintain focus throughout the research journey and ensures a coherent and logical structure in your research paper. Seeking input from mentors or colleagues and engaging in discussions about your research question and objectives can provide valuable feedback and help refine your approach.


  1. Designing and Conducting the Study


Once you have a clear research question and objectives, design your study accordingly. Consider the appropriate research design, data collection methods, and ethical considerations. Collect and analyze your data systematically, using robust statistical techniques or qualitative analysis methods. Ensure the validity, reliability, and ethical integrity of your study by following established research protocols and guidelines. Adhering to rigorous research practices strengthens the credibility and impact of your findings.


  1. Structuring and Writing the Paper


Organize your research paper using a well-structured format. Start with an introduction that provides background information, the research question, and objectives. In the methodology section, describe your study design, participants, data collection procedures, and analysis methods. Present your findings clearly and concisely, utilizing appropriate tables, graphs, or qualitative data extracts. Interpret and discuss your results in the context of existing literature, highlighting the implications for nursing practice. Finally, conclude with a summary of key findings, limitations, and recommendations for future research.


Key Considerations in Nursing Research Papers

a. Ethical Considerations:

Address ethical concerns related to participant rights, confidentiality, informed consent, and data protection.

b. Appropriate Citation and Referencing:

Follow the required citation style (e.g., APA, MLA) and acknowledge all sources accurately to avoid plagiarism.

c. Nursing Theory and Evidence-Based Practice:

Incorporate relevant nursing theories and evidence-based practice principles to strengthen the theoretical foundation of your research.

d. Collaboration and Peer Review:

Seek feedback from mentors, colleagues, and experts in the field to enhance the quality and rigor of your research. services available online can greatly assist individuals in writing a nursing research paper. Embracing the support of can enhance the quality and success of your nursing research endeavors.


Types of Nursing Research Paper


Writing a nursing research paper is crucial for promoting evidence-based practice, advancing the nursing field, and enhancing patient care. However, the process can be intimidating, especially for those new to academic writing. This guide provides a comprehensive, step-by-step approach to help you successfully navigate the writing process. Additionally, we will explore important factors unique to nursing research papers that can elevate the quality and impact of your work.



Before selecting a topic for your paper, it’s essential to choose the type of paper you will write, as each type has specific requirements. Your professor may assign a particular type, or you may need to choose one yourself. In general, there are two major types of research papers: analytical and argumentative.


a. Analytical Research Papers:

This type requires you to explore and evaluate a specific issue, presenting a well-organized analysis. For example, you might analyze healthcare studies to understand how a particular outcome was achieved. You should create a good analytical question to explore from different perspectives and use common analytic designs like Question/Answer, Comparison/Contrast, Problem/Solution, Cause/Effect, Hypothesis/Proof, or Change Over Time.


b. Argumentative Research Papers:

This type involves selecting a debatable issue and presenting diverse points of view. You must investigate different studies to find compelling arguments and choose a side to support with strong evidence. Addressing the opposition fairly and clearly is crucial to presenting a well-rounded understanding of the topic, illustrating a lack of bias, and strengthening your argument.


Choosing an Appropriate and Interesting Topic


Your professor may provide a list of acceptable topics, but if not, you need to choose one yourself. This part is as important as the quality of your research and significantly affects your grade. Avoid topics that are too narrow or too broad, and select current issues that interest you and align with your knowledge. Your topic should be specific, relevant, interesting, and concise, with a title no longer than fifty characters or twelve words.


Examples of Nursing Research Topics:

  • Nursing Science During the 20th Century
  • Should Nurses Complete Additional Training?
  • Nurses’ Safety in the Workplace
  • Psychiatric Nursing: The Aspects of the Field
  • The Importance of Neonatal Care Nursing


Choosing Appropriate Sources


After selecting your topic, find reliable sources. Generally, there are three types of sources: primary, secondary, and tertiary. Each type has specific characteristics that make it suitable for different parts of your research.


  • Primary Sources:

Original materials like research articles, interviews, surveys, and court records.

  • Secondary Sources:

Analyses or descriptions of primary sources, such as books and review articles.

  • Tertiary Sources:

Tools that organize primary and secondary sources, like databases and indexes.


Reliable Sources for Nursing Research:

  • The National Library of Medicine
  • MedlinePlus
  • PubMed
  • Nursing Resources for Standards and Interoperability


Use credible websites ending in .edu or .gov, as they are maintained by educational institutions or governments.


Pre-Writing Activities


Before you start writing, gather your main points and arguments using pre-writing activities.


  • Brainstorming: List as many ideas as possible.
  • Freewriting: Write full sentences to form the first draft.
  • Mindmapping: Organize major ideas and supporting concepts visually.
  • Outlining: Create a brief plan with a thesis statement and supporting arguments.


These strategies will make the writing process easier by organizing your thoughts and arguments.


Structuring and Writing the Paper


Organize your research paper with a well-structured format:

  • Introduction: Provide background information, the research question, and objectives.
  • Methodology: Describe your study design, participants, data collection procedures, and analysis methods.


  1. Detail the methods used to obtain your data. This can include qualitative, quantitative, or mixed-methods research approaches:
  2. Qualitative Research: Ethnography, historical research, phenomenology, symbolic interactionism, grounded theory
  3. Quantitative Research: Descriptive, quasi-experimental, correlational research
  4. Secondary Sources: Literature reviews, systematic reviews, meta-analyses
  5. Statistical Analysis: Describe how you used tools like R or SPSS, including variables of interest
  6. Sampling Techniques: Detail your sampling methods


  • Results: Present your findings clearly and concisely.

Present and discuss your findings. Avoid making definitive statements; instead, suggest whether something is true or not based on your hypotheses. Use concepts, facts, and information from your literature review to discuss your findings. Include any limitations and delimitations of your study. You may present graphs, tables, or concept maps in this section.

  • Discussion: Interpret and discuss your results in the context of existing literature.
  • Conclusion: Summarize key findings, limitations, and recommendations for future research. Provide a recap of the research problem, methodology, and findings. This section should be 10% of the total word count and should:
  1. Restate the thesis (in a new way)
  2. Relate findings to the literature review
  3. Offer suggestions for future research


  • References: List all sources cited in your article in the appropriate format.


 Key Considerations in Nursing Research Papers


  • Ethical Considerations: Address participant rights, confidentiality, informed consent, and data protection.
  • Citation and Referencing: Follow the required citation style and acknowledge all sources accurately.
  • Nursing Theory and Evidence-Based Practice: Incorporate relevant nursing theories and evidence-based principles.
  • Collaboration and Peer Review: Seek feedback from mentors, colleagues, and experts to enhance the quality and rigor of your research. services can greatly assist individuals writing a nursing research paper. Embracing online nursing assignment help can enhance the quality and success of your research endeavors.


The Basic Structure in writing a Nursing Research Paper


Writing a nursing research paper involves following a specific format and adhering to established guidelines. Here, we outline the basics of the most popular APA format and provide a detailed description of each section of the paper.


The Basic Structure


A nursing research paper typically includes the Title Page, Abstract, Main Body, and Reference Page. Let’s take a closer look at each component.


The Title Page


The Title Page should include the title of your paper, the running head, the author’s name, and the institutional affiliation. The running head, which is a shortened version of your title, should appear in the page header. Your title should be concise and engaging, free from abbreviations or unnecessary words.

Most nursing research papers are formatted in APA or Harvard style since they are scientific pieces. The title page is crucial as it sets the first impression for your professor. A poorly done title page can cost you marks. Also known as the cover page, it should include the following:

  • Title of your research paper
  • Your name
  • Course code and name
  • University name
  • Professor’s name
  • Date of submission


Refer to examples of research paper title pages to inspire how you present this section.


The Abstract


The Abstract is a summary of the key points of your research paper. It should be on a separate page with the word “Abstract” centered at the top. This section should be no less than 250 words and should succinctly introduce your topic, main arguments, and key findings. After the summary, list your paper’s keywords by typing the word “Keywords” in italics and then enumerating them. Ensure the summary paragraph is not indented, while the line with keywords should be.


The abstract provides a summary of your nursing research paper. It is as important as the title page because it gives readers a quick overview. Abstracts are typically 200-250 words long and should be concise and focused. Avoid using acronyms and citations. Follow APA or Harvard guidelines for formatting. An abstract should include:

  • Purpose statement
  • Contents of the paper
  • Results
  • Conclusions
  • Recommendations


It is not part of the word count unless specified in the rubric.


The Main Body


The Main Body of your research paper is divided into the Introduction, Main Body paragraphs, and Conclusion.


Introduction: Provide background information, primary arguments, and a thesis statement. Avoid in-text citations and quotations in this section.

The introduction is the first part of your nursing research paper and should comprise 10% of the word count. Include:

  • A hook to engage the reader
  • Background information on the topic
  • The nursing issue your paper addresses
  • The central aim or thesis of your research paper
  • An outline of the scope and purpose of your paper
  • Present the PICOT question if applicable


  • Main Body Paragraphs:

Describe each argument mentioned in the Abstract, dedicating one paragraph to each point. Use in-text citations to support your arguments and include charts or figures if necessary. Utilize appropriate linking words to ensure the paper flows smoothly.

  • Conclusion:

Restate your thesis statement and summarize the arguments presented in the Main Body paragraphs. Do not include any new citations here.


A well-structured paper ensures that readers can easily follow and understand your ideas.


The Reference Page


The Reference Page should be on a separate page following the Main Body. Center the word “References” at the top of the page. List all the sources you used in alphabetical order, and indent each entry one-half inch. This page provides the necessary information for readers to locate your sources.


Formatting in APA Style


In APA format, the entire paper should be typed in 12-point Times New Roman font. When citing sources, include the author’s last name, the year of publication, and the page number if available. An example citation looks like this: “(Smith, 2018, p. 1).”


Additional Tips


  • Ethical Considerations: Address participant rights, confidentiality, informed consent, and data protection.
  • Nursing Theory and Evidence-Based Practice: Incorporate relevant nursing theories and principles.
  • Collaboration and Peer Review: Seek feedback from mentors and colleagues to enhance the quality of your paper.


Tips for Writing a Nursing School Research Paper


Here are some valuable tips and tricks to use when writing a nursing research paper. This cheat sheet will guide you through the steps needed to ace your paper. It follows the blueprint our best writers use when crafting nearly every research paper.


  1. Read the Research Paper Prompt and Rubric


It might sound obvious, but it’s imperative to understand the basis upon which you are to write the paper from the perspective of an external marker, your professor, or your instructor before you start writing.


Skipping this step is like starting to climb a mountain without the right gear. You might miss significant points or make minor omissions that can lower your grade.


Spending time going over the instructions will help you:

  • Understand the topic you are to write about.
  • Learn how to structure your paper and write an outline.
  • Understand the deadline to plan your process.
  • Recognize and read other materials attached to the instructions.
  • Choose the right theoretical or conceptual constructs.
  • Limit the scope of the paper based on word count or page requirements.
  • Determine whether you are to use provided sources or can use personal research.
  • Understand the age requirements for scholarly sources.


If you don’t understand the instructions, ask for clarification before selecting a topic or making progress.


  1. Select a Nursing Research Topic You Are Confident With


Many nursing students ignore the importance of choosing a topic that interests them. Consequently, they struggle with developing a topic they chose just for the sake of it.


If you are allowed to choose your topic, select one you are genuinely interested in. For example, if you are inclined towards geriatrics, choose topics such as fall prevention or management of the aging population. Other potential topics include patient safety, nurse education, nurse privileges, nursing state laws and regulations, ethics, mental health treatment, healthcare informatics, and changes in healthcare.


Ensure that your topic has available data and has been discussed in scholarly journals, given that this is an advanced paper with a long-form structure.


  1. Plan Your Research Paper


Nursing school research papers can be analytical, argumentative, or expository, and are typically written in APA format. To excel in a nursing assignment, you should demonstrate a thorough mastery of knowledge, research capabilities, persuasive skills, and organization skills, which can only be achieved through adequate planning.


After receiving the assignment, familiarize yourself with the research paper instructions. Spend time planning the paper after understanding the topic and the required word count. Draft the structure of your paper to determine the major sections and approach to the issue.


  1. Begin Researching and Writing Early


With the research paper plan in place, start researching early. Do not wait until the last minute. Skim through scholarly nursing databases, find reliable sources, and sieve the information as necessary. As you research, develop your thesis statement and select potential scholarly sources to use.


Utilize general sources like Wikipedia or Google for preliminary knowledge, but rely on relevant, credible, and reliable scholarly sources for your paper.


  1. Use Scholarly Databases for Your Research


Stick to peer-reviewed journals published in the last 5 years for relevance and accuracy. Use scholarly databases such as:

  • Cochrane Library
  • CINAHL Plus with Full Text
  • EBSCOhost
  • HAPI: Health and Psychological Instruments
  • Medline (via Ovid or PubMed)
  • BMC Nursing
  • Google Scholar
  • PsychINFO
  • Sage Research Methods
  • Scopus
  • Web of Science


  1. Organize Your Research


Organize your sources in a folder and use citation management tools. Arrange the bibliography of your research paper according to the requirements. Create a nursing research paper thesis statement and outline your paper, presenting major points and sections. Use a schedule to complete your paper, employing techniques like Pomodoro to manage your time effectively.


  1. Manage Your Citations Using Tools


Manage your citations with tools such as:

  • RefWorks
  • EndNote
  • Zotero
  • Legacy RefWorks


These tools help organize your database of citations and ensure you get the citation style right. Generate bibliographies and paste them into your research paper once done, helping you avoid plagiarism and maintain a good flow of ideas.


  1. Have a Well-Thought-Out Thesis Statement


With your research ready and organized, develop a clear and definitive thesis statement that sets a clear purpose for your paper. Ensure your research is thesis-driven, not source-driven.


  1. Create a Nursing Research Paper Outline


Create an outline based on the assignment instructions. If required, submit the outline as part of the assignment. Use it to plan your paper effectively, organizing it into sections and thinking critically about the scope.


  1. Write the Research Paper


Start writing your paper from top to bottom or choose sections randomly. Avoid being a perfectionist; focus on getting your ideas down first. Skim through your research but avoid writing directly from it. Paraphrase, summarize, or quote as needed, and include relevant citations.


  1. Proofread, Edit, and Submit Your Nursing Paper on Time


After writing your paper, edit for content, structure, organization, length, and wording. Check the thesis statement and ensure it is reflected in the paper. Use a nursing research paper checklist or hire an editor to review your work. Incorporate any feedback and ensure your paper meets all requirements before submission.


Checklist: Writing a Nursing Research Paper


A good nursing research paper demonstrates a thorough knowledge of your topic, advanced organization, and proper formatting. It should also adhere to the required style guidelines. Once you have completed your paper, use the following checklist to determine whether it is ready for submission or needs further revision.


Checklist for Evaluating Your Nursing Research Paper


Assignment Instructions:

  • I have followed the instructions outlined in the assignment prompt and rubric.


Title Page:

  • The paper has the correct title page formatted according to the required style (APA, Harvard, etc.).



  • The introduction presents the topic and background information engagingly.
  • It includes a focused, clear, and concise thesis statement and problem statement.
  • The introduction outlines the nursing research issue or problem addressed by the paper.


Organization and Flow:

  • The paper has a logical flow from start to finish.
  • It is organized into coherent paragraphs and sections.
  • Every title is formatted according to the style requirements.
  • Each paragraph has a central idea with a clear topic and conclusion sentence.
  • Each paragraph builds on the thesis statement and is relevant to the nursing issue under investigation.

The paper has transitions that clarify the connections between paragraphs, sentences, and sections.


Literature Review:

  • The literature review section outlines the theoretical and conceptual constructs.
  • It uses data and information from peer-reviewed scholarly nursing journals published within the last five years.


– Methodology:

  • The methodology section outlines the sample, sampling methods, data collection and analysis methods, and rationale.


– Discussion:

  • The discussion ties the findings to the literature review and is critically written.
  • The recommendations are clear and stand out.


– Conclusion:

  • The conclusion is concise and answers the research question or shows how the thesis is supported.
  • It does not introduce new points or ideas.


– References:

  • The paper has an alphabetical reference list, with each reference included in the in-text citations.


– Quality Control:

  • The paper is free from grammar, syntax, and punctuation errors.
  • It addresses the feedback from my professor or teacher.
  • It follows the formatting guidelines.


If your research paper meets all the items on this checklist, it is ready to be submitted in the appropriate format.

When placing your order, please specify the formart (APA, MLA, Chicago, Turabian, or others.

Click the links below to findout how to format your nursing research paper into APA 7

APA Formatting and Style Guide (7th Edition)

MLA 9th Edition 

MLA 8th Edition


 Need Help with Your Nursing Research Paper?


If you find yourself stuck with a nursing research paper, don’t hesitate to reach out for assistance. We are a custom nursing paper writing service with expert nursing writers specializing in various fields. Our writers have extensive experience working with clients pursuing ADN, BSN, MSN, and DNP degrees. We also collaborate with professional nurses on their personal writing projects.


Our team possesses a wealth of knowledge in nursing. Whether you need help with reflective nursing essays, healthcare and nursing essays, term papers, research papers, dissertations, capstone projects, or any other nursing papers, we are the best in the industry.


– Original Work: All work is written from scratch, ensuring no plagiarism.

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– Secure Payments: We use safe payment processing platforms.


When you use our papers to formulate your own version, you will be able to write a paper that will stand out. Contact us today to hire a nursing research paper writer and excel in your academic endeavors.


By following these steps and utilizing resources from, you can successfully write a high-quality nursing research paper.


If you need additional help with your nursing research paper, don’t hesitate to reach out to our experts at Our professionals can provide the assistance you need to excel in your academic writing.