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How to find nursing ideas for an argumentative essay

You’re sitting at your desk, staring at a blank screen, feeling the weight of impending deadlines for your nursing argumentative essay. Your mind races, searching for a compelling topic that aligns with your passion for nursing and engages your readers. The struggle is real, but fear not, fellow nursing students, for amidst the sea of possibilities, there lies a treasure trove of nursing ideas for an argumentative essay waiting to be discovered.


As nursing students, we often find ourselves grappling with the challenge of selecting a topic that not only piques our interest but also sparks debate and conversation. But fret not, because with the right approach and a little guidance, the journey to finding that perfect essay topic becomes a whole lot smoother.


Here at, we understand the struggles that nursing students face when it comes to essay writing. That’s why we’re here to provide you with valuable tips on how to uncover compelling nursing ideas for an argumentative essay.


Tips for finding ideas for an argumentative essay

Best Nursing Argumentative Essay Topics   

  1. What attributes contribute to the effectiveness of a skilled nurse?
  2. What role does nursing play in contemporary society?
  3. How might the quality of nursing care in the United States be enhanced?
  4. In what ways is the nursing profession currently facing challenges?
  5. Why are nurses integral to maintaining public health?
  6. How can nurses contribute to lowering healthcare expenditures?
  7. What significance does patient-centered care hold within the nursing profession?
  8. What strategies could be implemented to ameliorate conditions within nursing homes?
  9. Are there viable approaches to reducing instances of hospital-acquired infections?
  10. Should patients be granted greater autonomy in managing their healthcare? What are the rationales for and against this proposition?
  11. What measures can be taken to safeguard nurses’ rights in the workplace? Is legislative action sufficient, or are alternative methods necessary to ensure this objective?
  12. How can we ensure equitable compensation for the invaluable work performed by nurses?
  13. What strategies can be implemented to alleviate the prevalence of burnout among nursing students?
  14. How can we enhance the preparedness of aspiring nurses to confront the myriad challenges inherent in their profession?
  15. Is mandating a bachelor’s degree in nursing for all registered nurses a viable approach? What are the potential implications?
  16. Should the authority to prescribe medications be extended to nurses? What are the potential benefits and drawbacks, particularly in relation to physician workload and patient care?
  17. Is there a necessity for establishing patient load limits for nurses? What implications might this have on patient outcomes and healthcare delivery?
  18. What pragmatic measures could be implemented to mitigate the escalating healthcare expenses in the United States?
  19. How can we ensure universal access to top-tier medical services for all individuals, regardless of socioeconomic status?
  20. What alternative avenues exist to amplify the voices of nurses within their workplaces, aside from resorting to strikes or other forms of protest?

Simple Nursing Argumentative Essay Topics

  1. Should there be limits on how many patients a nurse can care for at once?
  2. What are some practical solutions that could help reduce the cost of healthcare in America?
  3. How do we ensure that all people have access to high-quality medical care?

Are there ways to make sure that nurses’ voices are heard at work without resorting to strikes or other forms of protest?

Should hospitals be required to provide free healthcare to all patients?

  1. What can be done about the shortage of nurses in America?
  2. What are some practical solutions that could help reduce the cost of healthcare in America?
  3. How do we ensure that all people have access to high-quality medical care? Is this even possible?
  4. The importance of nurses in the healthcare industry
  5. What it means to be a nurse in the 21st century
  6. How nurses can help patients who have lost hope
  7. How modern hospitals need to change their policies and procedures to accommodate new technology so that they can better serve their patients
  8. The best ways for nurses to evaluate new technology with regard to how it will impact patient care
  9. How nurse practitioners can help ease the burden on an overworked nursing staff
  10. How technology can help nurses perform their jobs more efficiently
  11. The best ways for nurses to adapt to new technology so that they can improve care
  12. How hospital administrators must incorporate patient feedback into their decision-making process

Interesting Nursing Argumentative Essay Topics

  1. The transformative impact of technology on nursing practices
  2. Exploring the implications of emerging technologies on the nursing profession
  3. Strategic approaches for nurses to assess and integrate new technology for enhanced patient care
  4. Incorporating patient feedback into hospital decision-making processes: A guide for administrators
  5. Maneuvering the adoption of new technology: Strategies for nurses to optimize patient care
  6. Safeguarding patients from the potential risks associated with advancing technology in nursing
  7. Proactive measures for hospitals to address the growing influx of elderly patients
  8. Leveraging the role of nurse practitioners to alleviate strains on nursing staff
  9. Optimizing patient care through nurses’ adaptation to new technology
  10. Evaluating the impact of new technology on patient care: Guidelines for nursing professionals
  11. Mitigating staffing challenges through the utilization of nurse practitioners
  12. Assessing the effectiveness of various hospital technologies in enhancing patient outcomes
  13. How hospital administrators must incorporate patient feedback into their decision-making process
  14. An argument about whether or not patients should be allowed access to their medical records
  15. The nursing shortage is a serious problem in the nursing community. Have you ever wondered what causes it?
  16. Do nurses need to be trained in more advanced techniques and have access to new technologies?
  17. What is the best way for nurses to manage their time effectively, especially when it comes to patient care?
  18. Are there any regulations that are too strict when it comes to patient care, and do they need revising or changing altogether?
  19. Are nurses allowed enough autonomy at work so they can make decisions based on their own judgment, or do they feel too restricted by rules and regulations?

Easy Nursing Argumentative Essay Topics

  1. The importance of wearing a medical mask in hospitals
  2. The need to wear gloves at all times when handling patients
  3. How the use of disinfectant can help prevent the spread of infection
  4. Why it is important for nurses to wear their name badges at all times while on duty in a hospital
  5. Why nurses should not be allowed to work more than 48 hours per week
  6. How important it is to maintain safe hygiene practices while working in a hospital setting
  7. Why it is important for doctors and nurses not to get involved with each other romantically
  8. How effective mental health training can improve patient outcomes
  9. Whether or not there should be assigned seating arrangements in hospitals
  10. How much time should be spent on each patient during shift change

Controversial Argumentative Essay Topics on Nursing

  1. Advocating for a 48-hour workweek limit for nurses: Why it’s essential for work-life balance and patient safety
  2. Prioritizing hygiene protocols in hospital environments: A crucial aspect of patient care and infection prevention
  3. The significance of maintaining professional boundaries: Why romantic involvement between doctors and nurses should be avoided
  4. Enhancing patient outcomes through comprehensive mental health training for healthcare professionals
  5. Contemplating the necessity of assigned seating arrangements in hospital settings
  6. Examining the viability of extending nurses’ work hours beyond 48 per week
  7. Assessing the impact of mental health training on healthcare providers’ performance and patient care
  8. Strategies for optimizing patient outcomes in hospital settings: A focus on best practices
  9. Should nurses be mandated to wear name badges during their entire shift?
  10. Exploring the role of certification in nursing practice
  11. Debating the attire of nurses: Uniforms versus casual wear in healthcare settings
  12. Evaluating the adequacy of space for nursing students and new nurses in hospitals and clinics
  13. Enhancing safety in healthcare environments: Addressing concerns for employees and patients alike
  14. Addressing the nursing shortage: Strategies to attract more individuals to the profession
  15. Contemplating fair compensation for night shift nurses in recognition of their unique challenges and contributions

Nursing Argumentative Essay Topics for Middle School

  1. Exploring optimal treatment approaches for patients experiencing earaches
  2. Weighing the merits of physical therapy versus surgery for patients with broken legs: which option reigns supreme?
  3. Maneuvering medication selection: a critical decision-making process for patient care
  4. Deliberating between physical therapy and surgery for a patient with a broken leg: selecting the most suitable treatment path
  5. Assessing the appropriateness of antibiotic use in the management of ear infections
  6. Evaluating the fairness of holding healthcare providers accountable for patient decisions: a policy perspective
  7. The importance of advocating for nursing best practices
  8. Strategies for nurses to manoeuvre patient care in underserved regions with limited medical infrastructure
  9. Contemplating the implementation of performance-based bonuses for nurses based on patient outcomes
  10. Advocating for mandatory supervision in home nursing care practices

Nursing argumentative essay topics for high school

  1. Comparing nursing homes to retirement homes
  2. Nurses versus doctors: examining roles and responsibilities
  3. Preventative medicine versus curative medicine: exploring approaches to healthcare
  4. Euthanasia and assisted suicide: ethical considerations in end-of-life care
  5. Hospitals’ contribution to the healthcare delivery system in the United States
  6. Cultural diversity’s impact on health care delivery systems
  7. Technological advancements and their influence on health care delivery systems
  8. Government intervention in healthcare delivery systems: roles and responsibilities
  9. Analyzing the impact of healthcare reform on delivery systems
  10. The intersection of healthcare reform and the future of delivery systems
  11. Tracing the evolution of healthcare delivery systems: a concise history


Nursing Argumentative Essay Topics for College


  1. Exploring the nurse practitioner’s role in primary healthcare delivery
  2. Safeguarding patient privacy and confidentiality in healthcare environments
  3. Harnessing technology to enhance quality of life for individuals with disabilities
  4. Nurses’ contribution to public health reforms: an essential perspective
  5. Weighing the pros and cons of in-home care versus long-term hospitalization for chronic disease management
  6. Identifying risk factors for postpartum depression: insights for prevention and intervention
  7. Assessing the pros and cons of plastic surgery in treating body dysmorphic disorder
  8. Debunking myths: examining homosexuality in the context of health
  9. Investigating the root causes of diabetes: a comprehensive analysis
  10. Unraveling the complexities of substance addiction: understanding the underlying factors
  11. Exploring the therapeutic potential of medical marijuana for cancer patients: a critical evaluation



In nursing academia, finding the perfect ideas for an argumentative essay may seem like a daunting task. However, armed with the right tools and mindset, the journey becomes an exciting adventure of discovery and exploration. So, fellow nursing students, I leave you with this question: What nursing issue will you boldly tackle in your next argumentative essay?


Remember, is here to support you every step of the way, providing valuable resources and guidance to help you unleash your potential as a nurse and scholar.


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